Every traveler follows a star


The Kingdom of the Two Suns

Stella viatorum
The Kingdom of the Two Suns

Introduction to The Kingdom of the Two Suns

This book takes you on a fascinating journey to glimpse some processes that surround us in a new light. The different chapters do not follow a single theme throughout the book, nor have they been arranged chronologically. We will travel to examine ancient myths, delving into their language to try to understand our origin and potential. We will approach contemporary, social and scientific scenarios, to look at them from inside out. The unfolding of human consciousness in different times and places is the common thread on this journey.

In the past, the potential for human development was approached using religious or philosophical language. Most of the proposals that nowadays use such language do not fit into the span of contemporary attention. Today we need to approach this dynamic force through different means and find ways to access a reality which is present in a qualitative way behind the most visible aspects. This is the true path of our journey through the Kingdom of the Two Suns.

At present we are at a crossroads, where media pressure — such as has never been exerted on society so intensely before— poses a great question mark. George Orwell described in his book Nineteen Eighty-Four a dystopian society at the mercy of Big Brother; an anonymous entity that dictated a horrific overpowering reality.

The Kingdom of the Two Suns opens paths into a contemporary world where fiction and reality are increasingly difficult to separate. Global narratives —ever more aggressive and further removed from any experience we can validate as genuine— cast their threatening shadow over the collective mind of society. Perhaps these are the pangs of giving birth to a “latent humanity”, but we have to be capable of observing the process in its naked reality and not try to hide under the servitude of a long-outdated system.

Within these pages you will explore alternatives that have arisen in the course of our evolution and call us in the here and now to step out of the wayward course that has been charted for us, out of the cage in which the capacity of human perception is being gradually locked in.

Francisco Martínez Dalmases

2. Gaia. The Resonant Bell

Drawing on his knowledge of Egyptian sciences, Plato wrote in the Timaeus that on the surface, music was for enjoyment and leisure, but that its fundamental purpose was to ennoble the mind. He thought that the introduction of a new musical scale could endanger the foundations of society, and that the alteration of a note could trigger conflicts. Does this seem extreme? The truth is that the ancient civilization of Egypt, the longest periods of coherent prosperity in history, were based on a few very subtle elements that may not seem important at first glance. One of them was a geometric scale used in all of its architecture, whether sacred or profane. Another element that lent stability to Egyptian civilization was a musical scale that remained unchanged for millennia; the custodians of the Egyptian sciences were aware of the benefit of maintaining consistent vibratory waves in the environment.

The West has created the romantic myth of the Pharaoh Akhenaton, portraying him as a hero of Ancient Egypt. The reality is that Akhenaton tried to change the geometric and musical scale used in his kingdom, leading to a rebellion among those who understood the negative consequences this change would bring about.

Resonant Architecture

One of history’s true geniuses was Johan Wolfgang Goethe; to some extent Goethe’s literary work overshadowed his extraordinary scientific contributions, particularly his theories about color, natural sciences and human perception. But Goethe also developed a musical theory, and said that “architecture is frozen music”. This statement can be understood in many ways, but principally, associates music with geometric proportions.

The building of the great Gothic cathedrals of the Middle Ages is usually considered from the religious and architectural points of view, but we draw closer to their essential reality if we look at Gothic cathedrals as “resonant chambers”. The creation of harmony through the use of proportion lies at the heart of these structures. This allowed Cathedrals to be used as resonant chambers for Gregorian chants, organ music and invocation from the very beginning. This was the fundamental role of cathedrals for many generations, until their use became mechanical and this specific knowledge eclipsed by an emotionally-charged religiosity. …

A Gothic cathedral of the right proportions could be understood as the vibrating body of an immense musical instrument whose harmonics have an effect on all those who enter, as well as on other human and non-human life forms nearby. A conscious gathering of a community within a resonant chamber like this has far-reaching effects, beyond any specific belief system.

7. Gnostics warn us

The Spirit of Trauma

My interest in traditional medical practices and Sufi Tradition activities in Central Asia led me to undertake two trips to Uzbekistan in 2003 and 2004. I was received by a Tabib (a traditional healer and doctor) from the Yasawiyya, one of the Central Asian branches of the Masters (Khwajagan). On my second visit I stayed in a camp in the foothills of the Zaravsan mountain range, along the border with Tajikistan, where the Yasawi group would collect plants in summer to elaborate botanical elixirs and other remedies as part of their medical practice. It was here that I stumbled upon a controversy about a certain Russian psychiatrist who had traveled to Uzbekistan and written a book about her experiences there. Responding to another Westerner who was with me in the camp, the Tabib angrily forbade him from reading the book, which he said did not represent the Uzbek tradition. In spite of my respect for the Yasawi Tabib, on my return home, the first thing I did was to look for the book that had caused so much annoyance.

The Master of Lucid Dreams is a fascinating text in which Olga Yahontova (aka Kharitidi) describes her stay in Samarkand and her meeting with members of the Dream Tribe. This is a group associated with the Uzbek gypsies, the lyuli, who have kept alive an oral tradition – a mixture of Shamanic techniques and Sufi work – of healing what they call ‘memory demons’. In the book, Olga Yahontova recounts her work in a psychiatric hospital in Novosibirsk where she encountered a concatenation of traumas recurring in the same families. She explains this as the inexorable contamination of psychic illness that occurs when unresolved conflicts are ‘knotted’ into the individual and collective subconscious, where they grow and gain strength. Olga describes trauma as a conscious force that takes over this unseen, unspoken, undefined space. During her stay in Samarkand her mentor in the Dream Tribe taught her how to heal these traumas through oral stories, lucid dreaming or exposure to certain places and designs. ……..

It took me a while to meet Olga Yahontova, as she is keen to maintain her privacy and avoid anything like a cult developing around her. I finally met her in 2011, at a seminar she taught in a secluded setting in northern France. Her life had changed a lot outwardly; she had left her native Novosibirsk and was now living in California, where —among other activities— she was supervising psychiatric prisoners in high security prisons, many of whom had been given life sentences, and trying to help them find motivation and life projects in their bleak situation.

Reviewing the initial draft of this chapter I felt the need to refer to Olga’s work in more detail. She welcomed my project and allowed me to quote her work, as well as making some comments summarizing the hidden drama that plagues our society. The following is the result of our exchange …..

8. Power Games and the Harvest of Fear

The root of war is fear.

Thomas Merton

War of the Worlds

On October 30, 1938, The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells was narrated by Orson Wells on American radio1. Whether it was deliberately broadcast on the eve of Halloween, or the date was coincidental, it sent the American public into an unprecedented collective panic, believing the story of an alien invasion to be true. Government agencies and psychology schools, which had already started studying the kinds of language that could tap into the subliminal mind, were given an unexpected example of how the suggestion of a non-human intervention could arouse a deep atavistic fear.

Since then, terrifying stories of alien forces rampaging through the human sphere have become a familiar feature of Hollywood films – with the obligatory all-American hero saving the world at the last moment. As the fear button is pressed over and over again, the greatest military and economic empire in history is consistently presented as the savior of humanity —an absurd message but one that, through the sheer force of repetition, is taken for granted.

Let us now focus on one of humanity’s most powerful emotions and its influence on our mind set and behavior; fear.

Over the last two generations, fear has increasingly been used to manipulate the public in numerous ways. Fear of a nuclear conflict between two superpowers, of economic collapse that stands to ruin our lives and put an end to the illusion of a welfare state; fear of a pandemic capable of decimating the population; of an environmental catastrophe that could alter the living conditions of the human race; of terrorist groups that seem to be an ever-present threat on the edge of civilization. The media is constantly assaulting us with new fears.

Are you prepared to open your mind to the possibility that fear is a construct, a sophisticated structure that is instilled in us and constantly renewed by mainstream media in order to prevent us from seeing our environment clearly and to steer our behavior in predetermined ways favored by a ruling elite?


Interview by Wyatt Semenuk, Book Trib. July 5th. 2022

“There are enough people looking at the world in the way media and corporate interests tell them to do… Why not try a different approach?” These are the words of Francisco Dalmases Martinez, author of new book The Kingdom of the Two Suns. In this book, Martinez aims to help us step outside our typical selves and perhaps attain a new mindset in a world increasingly dominated by fear and pressure.

This book takes you on a journey to glimpse the processes that surround us in a new light. The chapters do not follow a single theme throughout the book, nor have they been arranged chronologically. Readers will travel to examine ancient myths, delving into their language to try to understand their origin and potential. The unfolding of human consciousness in different times and places is the common thread.

“We find ourselves here, with the potential to live a human experience,” said Martinez. Why not make the most of it?

Check out the interview below for some insight from Martinez about the writing of the book and the basis for it:

Q: As you say, we live in a world where “fiction and reality are increasingly difficult to separate. What is one tip you could give that readers can use to distance themselves from the “fiction?”

A: Excessive information causes friction; it short-circuits our rational modes of thought. We must learn to avoid being saturated with striking images and hyped information by the media and see things in context. In the past having a wholistic mode of thinking and developing intuition, the feel about situations and people, was a recipe for “enlightenment.” Now they are basic ingredients we need in our survival kit!

Q: What do you mean by the term “latent humanity?”

A: We find ourselves here, with the potential to live a human experience, and that has nothing to do with having a well-paid job, a nice house and foreign vacations. We have cut ourselves off from the mythology of our ancestors and have not developed a collective archetypal meaning for our role here and now. It is like having a collective metal lid over our heads and not being able to conceive of the depth above and beyond our one-dimensional world. This limitation does not invalidate the dimension of “depth,” our latent humanity, but it makes it difficult for large groups of people to access it.

Q: Tell us about the writing process for this book. Was there extensive research involved? Did any of it come from your own experiences?

A: We are immersed in collective narratives where fear, group pressure and conformity to the prevailing economic system do not allow most people to explore other realities outside the present social framework.

We can develop other social constructs, and we are able to unfold latent potentialities within our mind-body experience. Some people fear to step out of their present situation, as unfulfilling as it may be, to lose footing in the “material world;” they fear a scenario beyond their experience. A childish frame of mind has grown around us, particularly in the materially affluent West. The book reveals other realities within our reach and a different background, giving some cues as to how we have come to be in this situation.

Q: Do you read the works of other authors? Who do you draw inspiration from?

A: I grew up in a culture where listening to stories had a role in the maturing process. Early on I discovered Homero, Greek mythology and classical stories that have an initiatory role. As an adult I read authors like Doris Lessing, particularly her Canopus in Argus saga, which has been called “metaphysical science-fiction,” where detaching yourself from the scenario’s time and place, allows you to identify things difficult to see at ground level. The most important author I’ve ever encountered is Idries Shah, whose work of grafting patterns of the Sufi tradition into Western culture provides a crucial key. It allows you to perceive structure where most people only see external shape.

Q: Tell us about the writing process for this book. Was there extensive research involved? Did any of it come from your own experiences?

A: I started writing the book ten years ago. It was based on a long exposure to a perception of what some western mystics would call “living in a dream world”, similar to the cave metaphor of Plato. But, it is not enough to state that. For a book to have meaning you have to unravel different threads and provide examples of how distortion has taken over. And at the same time avoid the academic approach and “kill the spirit” of what you are trying to show.

Initially I was writing in Spanish, at some point I realized that since most of the economic and social “drive” of present Western society has its origin in the United States, to fully address these issues I had to write in English and do further research into the political and social developments of the last hundred years in the US, particularly the emergence of the media industry as a major force. People have been diverted -using sophisticated psychological engineering- from an open society to a “consumer’s society”, where consumption is not solely about goods and gadgets, but about imbibing an artificial construction of how the world is and what its values are.

The book has benefited from that change in research. And after an initial metaphysical approach I made room for a dig-down-into-present dynamics approach. The book contains both ingredients in overlapping layers, that makes it different.

Q: What do you hope readers take away from this book?

Perhaps an interest to look at things in a different way. There are enough people looking at the world in the way media and corporate interests tell them to do. Don’t worry, if that sustains the world, there would always be enough people to sustain it.

Why not try a different approach? In a material world where people who can afford it pay fortunes for rare artifacts, why not aim to become a “rare” human being, endowed with valuable capacities and ready to share them with people who can appreciate them?

Readers' opinion

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.

Lorem fistrum por la gloria de mi madre esse jarl aliqua llevame al sircoo. De la pradera ullamco qué dise usteer está la cosa muy malar.


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